Admission Appeals Process
School admission appeals for reception year 2024/25
Key stage 1 appeals
The law states that infant classes must be limited to a maximum of 30 children which has an impact on how an appeal is considered. An appeal for a reception place can only be upheld in very limited circumstances.
There are 3 circumstances which an appeal panel can uphold an appeal for a school; if an appeal does not satisfy any of these conditions then it cannot be upheld.
These conditions are:
- the child would have been offered a place if the admission arrangements had been properly implemented
- the child would have been offered a place if the arrangements had not been contrary to mandatory provisions in the school admissions code and the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, and/or
- the decision to refuse admission was not one which a reasonable admission authority would have made in the circumstances of the case; unreasonable in this sense means irrational - a decision which was 'perverse in the light of the admissions arrangements'
Deadlines for completing online appeal forms
Appeals for Croydon community primary schools and the non-community schools/academies listed below must be completed online using the appeal forms.
Croydon community schools: The deadline for Lodging Appeals is 17 May 2024.
Appeal forms received within the deadline will be heard between 3 June and 19 July 2024, some appeals may be heard following this date, as required.
Academies listed below: Reception year 2024/25 appeals for those academy/non-community schools listed below that were completed online by the deadline of 17 May 2024.
Academy located in the borough of Merton
- Beecholme Primary School - PACE Academy Trust
In-year appeals
In year appeals will be heard and determined by an appeal panel.
These in-year admission appeals must be submitted online using the relevant appeal form. in Apply for it on the right of this webpage
The following documents are available to download
See also the applying for a school place page for more information on school admissions.
School admission appeals are heard by an independent panel. The admissions authority will explain to the panel why a place could not be allocated for your child. You will need to state to the independent panel the reasons why your child should be given a place despite the fact that the school is up to its 30 place limit per class.
Key stage 2 (year 3) and onwards – in-year appeals
If you have not been offered a place for your child at your preferred school you have a right of appeal under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (as amended by the Education Act 2001).
If you wish to appeal against the decision not to offer your child a place at a Croydon community school you must complete the appeal form.
For schools that are their own admission authority (such as academies, free and voluntary aided schools), you must check their website for details of their appeal arrangements. The Croydon Independent Appeals Panel hears appeals for the academies listed above and appeals for those academies can be made online.
In-year appeals will be heard and determined by an appeal panel.
Documents related to School admission appeals
- Croydon independent appeals service guidance note December 2021 (PDF, 114.69KB)
- Frequently asked questions - admission appeals (rev) (PDF, 468.54KB)
- Reception community school appeal hearing outcome data - 2015 to 2021 (PDF, 59.73KB)
- Admission appeals - parents guide (updated 19.04.16) (PDF, 1.09MB)
- Privacy notice – Croydon Independent Appeals Service (PDF, 261.55KB)
- Primary school allocation breakdown April 2022 (XLSX, 26.81KB)