Welcome to Little Acorns!
Little Acorns is what we call our Wrap Around Care here at Beecholme School.
The Morning Session provides care and breakfast from 7:30 am until 8:45 am. for £5.00 per session for your first child and £4.00 for each additional child in the same family.
The Afternoon Session is provided from 3:00/15 pm until 5:55 pm. for £13.00 per session for your first child and £12.00 for each additional child in the same family. Note: Children MUST be collected by 6 pm at the very latest.
There will be no reduction for not eating the full breakfast offered, and no refunds for non-attendance. Children must be in by 8:15 am if they require breakfast.
If you are interested in Little Acorns for your child, then please complete a Little Acorns Application Form. Your child will not be able to attend Little Acorns until the School Office has received a completed copy, as it is of the upmost importance for staff to be aware of any allergies.
We also need you to complete a Little Acorns Booking Form Little Acorns Booking Form so we have an idea of the sessions you require.
Payment must be made every Friday in advance for the following week via ParentPay. Once both forms are completed and given to the School Office, confirmation of your booking, along with the cost and a copy of our Wrap Around Care Policy will be sent to you. If you would like to read our Wrap Around Care Policies please click below:
Little Acorns Afternoon Policy
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Donna Keenan
Wrap Around Care Manager