The School Day


CLASS:                                                                                                START TIME:                                                   FINISH TIME:

Nursery                                                                                              8:45am                                                             11.45am

Reception                                                                                         8:45am                                                             3:15pm

Year 1                                                                                                  8.45am                                                             3:15pm

Year 2                                                                                                  8.45am                                                             3.15pm

Year 3                                                                                                  8.45am                                                             3.15pm

Year 4                                                                                                  8.45am                                                             3.15pm

Year 5                                                                                                  8.45am                                                             3.15pm

Year 6                                                                                                  8.45am                                                             3:15pm

School Hours

Nursery - Orange Class

8:45am - 11.45am   or

All day Nursery

8:45am - 3:00pm

Reception to Year 6

8:45am - 3:15pm


Doors are opened at 8:35am to make sure that children are in class by 8:45am, ready for registration.


Regular attendance and good punctuality are essential if a child is to gain maximum benefit from her or his education and develop good habits for life. The national expectation for attendance is 96%.

We have a system of awards for excellent attendance and punctuality and we hope that you will support us in both these areas. Where attendance or punctuality is poor, it may be necessary to involve the Education Welfare Officer.

We do hope that you will not take family holidays during the school term as this is very disruptive to your child’s education. If there is no alternative and you have to take your holiday in term time, the maximum period that can be authorised is 10 days in any school year. Permission to take your child out of school must be obtained from the Governors via the school office.

Absence & Illness

In the event of your child being away from school, an explanatory note must be handed to the class teacher on return. It would be most helpful if you would telephone the school on the first day of your child’s absence to let us know why he or she is unable to attend school.