Design & Technology
Curriculum Intent
Our children will be young designers, developing curiosity and critical appreciation of the human-made objects, systems and environments with which they interact. They will gain insight into the changing world of technology and innovation and, with an appreciation of important issues such as needs, values, sustainability and enterprise, be excited by the possibilities of designing products to solve real and relevant problems. They will develop the creative, technical and practical expertise to make high-quality prototypes and products and will use and apply their repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills gained across other STEAM subjects in order to critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others. They will understand the principles of nutrition and be able to cook and perform everyday tasks confidently. Children will learn to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative and enterprising citizens.
Curriculum Implementation
Design and Technology is taught through three rigorous Design and Make Assignments (DMAs) in each year group. These are planned to enable pupils to consolidate, use and apply their STEAM learning through purposeful and relevant contexts. The curriculum promotes knowledge and understanding of materials and components (including food), mechanisms and control systems, structures, existing products and health and safety. Learning within units builds on knowledge, and reinforces and develops skills gained in previous years., deepening understanding of the design process and ensuring progress through an increasing breadth and depth of technical and practical skills and knowledge. These will be taught through series of Focussed Practical Tasks (FPTs) and will equip pupils with the necessary skills to realise their design projects and outcomes. The choice of DMT context reflects the backgrounds, interests and needs of our community, and is responsive to the changing nature of the world.
Teachers have good subject knowledge, and plan and teach lessons focusing specifically on the development of the skills and knowledge children require to be successful in their DMA.s. We actively use opportunities to collaborate with the other schools in our Trust.
Curriculum Impact (including pupil outcomes)
- Children have the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world
- They can apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users, communicating their ideas effectively and selecting and using a range of materials and tools appropriately
- They can critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others
- They understand and apply the principles of nutrition and how to cook.
- Assessment shows increasing sophistication and engagement with the design process.