At Beecholme, we believe in an engaging curriculum that:
- Reflects our diverse and vibrant community
- Delivers challenge for all
- Inspires creative thinking
- Supports children in developing their communication skills
- Responds to the needs and interests of our pupils
- Prepares children for life in our ever-changing world
- Encourages resilience and self-belief
A shared vision for PACE schools
Attitudes, Attributes and Values
As young people:
Our children are open-minded, considerate, respectful, confident and happy.
As learners:
Our children are curious, enthusiastic, reflective, resilient and ambitious.
As citizens:
Our children understand their place in both local and global communities. They are beginning to understand how they can contribute to society and help others.
As individuals:
Our children are able to make informed choices to keep themselves healthy and safe.
Knowledge and Skills
As learners:
Our children are literate and numerate, allowing them to succeed in their future education, work and life
Our children achieve the highest possible standard across the curriculum
Our children are equipped with a range of curriculum skills
Core Threads

Wellbeing, Safety, Safeguarding
At Beecholme, there is nothing more important to us than the physical and emotional health and well-being of our pupils and staff alike. We recognise that every day we are trusted with the most precious members of our families. As such we have created, and work hard to maintain, a climate in which staff, pupils, parents and governors feel able to articulate concerns comfortably; safe in the knowledge that effective action will be taken, as appropriate.
Equality and Diversity
We are proud of our diverse school community and it is important that this is reflected in all that we do. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and ability to participate fully in school life. We believe that diversity is a strength which, should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit us.
Outdoor Learning
Learning outside the classroom has a wealth of benefits, including improved mental and physical health. Our school grounds play an integral part in the delivery of our curriculum and we take many of our lessons outside throughout the year. Whether it’s investigating life cycles next to our pond, maths in playground, afternoons in the reading garden or creating poetry in the woodland area, pupils learn to enjoy and respect the outdoor environment. These sessions help our pupils develop a love and understanding of nature. They become more confident, take risks, solve problems, communicate, cooperate with their peers and just as importantly, have fun!
At Beecholme, we are fortunate to have a range of technology such as IPADS, Chromebooks and our computer suite. We recognise the importance of computing within our curriculum but also value the impact technology can have on learning opportunities. We use Seesaw for homework, helping children to develop their digital literacy and independence.
International and Local Understanding
International projects and global learning are woven into our dynamic and forward-thinking curriculum, where children are encouraged to explore their role in the community, both locally and on a much wider scale. As a core thread, it links to our vision that pupils will leave our school equipped with skills and experiences that will make them more open-minded, considerate, respectful, confident and happy. We participate in global exchange projects with a focus on building cultural knowledge and environmental awareness. Through project-based learning, our pupils begin to understand how they can contribute to society and help others.