Internet Safety

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Internet Safety - Metropolitan Police

CEOP main site

Merton advice



Advice on e-safety
The MSCB supports Zip It, Block It, Flag It – the Click Clever, Click Safe Code for children and young people


ZIP IT means keeping their personal stuff private and thinking about what they say or do online.

BLOCK IT reminds them to block people who send them nasty messages and not to open any links and attachments they receive by email or through social networks if they’re not 100 per cent sure they’re safe.

FLAG IT is the final piece of advice. It stands for flagging up to a parent, guardian, teacher or someone in authority anything that upsets them while they are online or if someone asks them to meet up in the real world.

What do do if you are worried about a child



Children, Schools and Families Department

12th Floor, Merton Civic Centre

London Road



Telephone: 020 8545 4226 or 020 8545 4227

(Out of hours: 020 8770 5000)

Fax: 020 8545 4204

You may also contact us by email:

You do not have to give your name and your conversation will be treated confidentially.


Or in an emergency contact the police by telephone on 999