Our Beecholme Values, are at the centre of everything we do. During their time at Beecholme we want all our children to develop a passion for learning which will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
We believe that an engaging and vibrant curriculum reflecting our diverse community is essential for our children to be inspired in their learning. We want every child to achieve by rising to appropriate challenges and making the maximum progress possible. We work hard to make our curriculum thought-provoking and appealing. Using cross curricular ‘Contexts for Learning’ with strong English links ensures that there is a clear purpose and setting for children’s learning.
We aim for our children to have many memorable experiences during their time at Beecholme.
- The curriculum is broad and balanced and has strong cross curricular links; it is designed to encourage creativity and promotes varied outcomes from different children.
- The curriculum is underpinned by a strong emphasis on the key skills of communication- reading, writing, speaking and listening; and the application of number.
- The curriculum map, enrichment weeks, themed days and events reflect topical issues and the interests of the pupils.
- Children’s views and interests are represented in curriculum design and development.
- Children have regular opportunities to take part in extended projects that allow them to study in depth and produce quality finished work.
- Question based learning, thinking skills, problem solving and talking have a high status.
- Activities are designed to appeal to and provide success for the full range of learning styles.
- The curriculum is enhanced by regular visitors.
- We make the most of visiting local areas in our community.
- All pupils have the opportunity to take part in a termly educational visits including, across the years, a range of subject specific trips.
Curriculum planning addresses at a minimum:
- The expectations of the Programmes of Study of the National Curriculum for English, Mathematics, Science, Design Technology, ICT, PE, History, Geography, Art, Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) and Music.
- The non-statutory framework for personal, social and health education and citizenship
- The frameworks for teaching literacy and numeracy
- The locally agreed syllabus for the delivery of RE.
The Discovery curriculum provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all the children at Beecholme Primary School.
The main focus is on history and geography. In history, the children develop a sense of chronology and in geography, a sense of place. We focus on learning through enquiry and by asking and answering key questions. Links are also made with art, design and technology, music, computing, English and mathematics.
The children are encouraged to be curious and inquisitive by asking questions and making connections to their learning.
Visits to places of interest and experiences are an important part of school life. Each term we hold a ‘Discovery Day’ where the children teach each other about their topic.
In line with the new National Curriculum, maths teaching at Beecholme Primary School aims to develop children’s fluency, reasoning and problem solving. We follow a ‘Mastery’ approach which gives all children the opportunity to deepen their mathematical understanding, make connections and reason maths through varied and stimulating lessons. Lessons include varied mathematical representations, practical resources and opportunities for children to communicate mathematically when justifying, proving and explaining their thinking.
All children are taught to have a positive mind-set in maths and believe in their ability. They are taught that we are all born with the ability to succeed in maths, maths is not about speed, it can be seen differently by different people and mistakes are valuable. Our maths teaching is enhanced across the school through the use of regular ‘maths meetings’ which allow for consolidation.
Our aim is to develop confident and passionate readers. Children work on their word reading skills through the teaching of Phonics. This is taught through the Ruth Miskin Read Write Inc Phonics programme from Reception to Year 2. As they move through the school, children also work through coloured book bands that reflect their different reading skill levels.
We believe that comprehension and vocabulary development is the key to creating successful readers in our school. We use a whole-class approach in the teaching of reading which means that children are taught specific reading skills through challenging texts and are given the chance to develop vocabulary and participate in high quality discussion.
It is important to us that children develop a love for reading which we encourage through free reading sessions, weekly trips to the school library, visits to the library in Mitcham, book sales and other special events.
Our Writing is taught in line with our termly topics and is developed through the use of high quality reading texts.
We aim to develop pupils’ competence in the accuracy of grammar, punctuation and spelling and the structure of text composition. Children are taught the skills of planning for an extended piece of writing, organising their work coherently and the processes of evaluation and editing.
English is celebrated through different events throughout the year such as termly, ‘Take One Book’, ‘Take One Poet’, ‘World Book Day’, and Bilingual week.
Science aims to teach the children the skills with which to carry out investigations in a creative approach. The curriculum is developmental, so that children continue to build on their skills each year increasing their scientific knowledge and vocabulary.
At Beecholme we promote the children as being ‘active scientists’ through our termly Science Days which have included, ‘Space, using virtual reality headsets’, ‘Science X Factor’ and ‘Forensic Science.’
- Child Led
- Engaging and Practical
- Investigative
- Real Life Context
- Deeper Thinking
At Beecholme Primary School our vision is to give children a Science curriculum which enables them to explore and discover the world around them. To be confident and independent learners so they have a deeper understanding.
To achieve this, it involves child led lessons, cross curricular links an use of the outside area. Making the lessons exciting, fun and practical encouraging curiosity and questioning. Children will be stimulated and challenged to help secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary.
We value the importance of our children learning another foreign language. Years 1-6 benefit from this weekly specialist teaching.
P.E. is taught mainly across the school by Merton School Sports Partnership. The coaches are experienced in all areas of sport and the PE scheme of work, enabling our children of all abilities and interests to participate.
Curriculum Overview 2018 - 19
Phonics Information
Phonics Presentation